Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tie Order for Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band 7th and 8th grade guys

We will be placing an order for ties for 7th and 8th grade male band members through 'solidcolorneckties.com'.
8th grade Wind Ensemble members MUST order a silver tie through the school so we all match.
7th grade Symphonic Band members may order a black tie if they need one.
Ties are $4.25. A bargain!

Put your check or cash in an envelope with your first and last name and class period on it please. Checks should be made out to MMS. We will be placing the order on November 4th so the ties will arrive in time for our November 17th concert. Wind Ensemble members, if you miss the order you will need to order one on your own and you will be charged extra for shipping.

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