Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Maywood Instrument Rental Return and Summer Rental

 If you have a Maywood Instrument and are an 8th grader your Maywood instrument(s) must be returned by June 12th. If you are continuing in band and need an instrument please contact Mr. Tanner at Liberty. TannerJ2@issaquah.wednet.edu
If you are a 6th or 7th grader and are not continuing in band your Maywood instrument must be returned by June 12th.
If you are a 6th or 7th grader and are continuing in band you may keep your instrument over the summer for no extra fee. If your instrument needs repair please return it to Maywood by June 12th. We will put your repair at the top of the list and I will contact you when it is ready to be picked up from Matt Schneider’s shop. If you have one instrument at home and one at school and they both need repair return both by June 12th. If only one needs repair, keep the one that doesn’t. If neither need repair keep the one you have at home.
If you fail to return any instrument needing repair by June 12th you will be responsible for taking it to Matt Schneider.
Please email me with any questions or concerns.

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