Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Practicing at Home is Essential

Hi Everyone,
This is a message for all band members. Parents please read as well and give your added support at home. Band members, please practice your music at home so you are ready to participate in class. Class time should be used for ensemble skills such as tone, balance, learning who has the melody, putting all the parts of the piece together, etc. We are spending too much class time on individual technical things like what note to play.  We have a concert on March 7th and no school next week. Please be proactive and work on your concert music at home. If you are still having difficulty with your individual music please make an appointment with me. I'm happy to work with you individually if you've put in the work at home first! Each group should be aware of the pieces they are performing at the March 7th concert. Thank you all.  
Great teams are only possible with great team players.   Ms. S

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