Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Concert Reminder and Final Clothing Update

Hello Everyone,
Our first concert is next Thursday, November 17th. The ensembles are sounding wonderful and are anxious to present their music. Students should be here by 6pm. Doors for parents and guests open at 6pm. Concert begins promptly at 6:30pm. All students are required to stay for the entire performance and to help clean up afterward.


I am still receiving many concerns about concert clothing especially with sleeve and skirt length. If your sleeve length is not to your elbow wear a sweater over the top. Your skirts must be at the knee or longer. If you are just at the top of the knee wear leggings or tights.

Legging pants must have a long shirt or sweater over them. Emphasis on LONG.

No blue jeans, sweats or shorts whatsoever!
Hope this clears up all the questions. Thanks everyone and here's to a great first concert.
Ms. S.

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